In the manner that:The way he talks, you'd think he ran the company. under way 1.In motion or operation. 2.In ongoing development; in progress. [Middle English, from Old Englishweg; seewegh-inIndo-European roots.] Usage Note:Wayhas long been an intensifying adverb meaning "to a great...
instance, in German, the wordalle,literally meaning "all," can be used idiomatically to mean "all gone, used up, at an end." The standard German sentenceDer Kaffee ist alle(word for word, "The coffee is all") means "The coffee is all gone" or "The coffee has been used up," for...
During the reigns of the first ten Sultans (up to and including the reign ofSüleyman), the Sultan was seen to be taking an active role in the ever continuing expansion of the "Abode ofIslam" but campaigning against the infidels as aGhazi(also taken to meaning "Warrior of Islam"). Camp...
M8 = Mate 兄弟,哥们(英国经常用) MLM = Meaning give the middle finger 竖中指的意思 MNC = Mother nature calls 意思就是要上厕所 MOO = My own opinion 我自身认为 MSG = Message 信息 MTF = More to follow 还有更多 MorF = Male or Female?男还是女? MGMT = Management 管理 MKAY = Meaning ‘M...
AOTS = All of the sudden 突然 ATST = At the same time 同时 AYCE = All you can eat 你都可以吃 ABT2 = Meaning‘about to’ 将…… ADBB = All done, bye-bye 完了,再见 AEAP = As early as possible 越早越好 AFAP = As far as possible 越远越好 ...
1.Everywhere. The phrase may be used alone, as inI've looked all over for that book, orThe very thought of poison ivy makes me itch all over. In addition it can be used as a preposition, meaning "throughout," as inThe news spread all over town. [Early 1600s] Also seefar and wide...
Ⅱ.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空all of a sudden; stream into; break into; make predictions; a variety of; take in; because of; be full of; be regarded as;give up1. Some people say that London homeless people begging in the streets.2. I fell in love with him his kind nature.3....
ALL meaning: 1 : the whole, entire, total amount, quantity, or extent of; 2 : every member or part of used with a plural noun or pronoun to mean that a statement is true of every person or thing in a group
Sukebe Pole Dancing® was invented by one of the founders of All about Touch and was first presented to the world in March 2022. “Sukebe” 「スケベ」is a Japanese word meaning “perverted” or "lewd", perhaps freely translated as "kinky"....
instance, in German, the wordalle,literally meaning "all," can be used idiomatically to mean "all gone, used up, at an end." The standard German sentenceDer Kaffee ist alle(word for word, "The coffee is all") means "The coffee is all gone" or "The coffee has been used up," for...