This 1939 classic film, starring Judy Garland, is beloved by generations for its memorable songs, vibrant Technicolor visuals, and timeless themes of friendship and self-discovery. Released: 1939 Directed by: Victor Fleming Dig Deeper Strange Things You Definitely Didn't Know About 'The Wizar...
From the classics (Roman Holiday, Sleepless in Seattle, Pretty Woman) to modern-day hits (Brown Sugar, Crazy Rich Asians, The Big Sick), it's the rom-coms critics loved -- and you will, too!
and "I Dare Not Withdraw" by Walt Whitman, "Come Slowly, Eden" and "Wild Nights" by Emily Dickinson (who longs to "moor" in her lover), the "Song of Songs" (aka the "Song of Solomon") from the King James Bible, Ambrose Phillips' stunning translation of Sappho's "In Adoration"...
Here’s solid evidence of how democraticThe Beatleswere. On one ofGeorge Harrison’s greatest songs, he gives the guitar solo to Paul – who nails it with a sputtering burst of distorted energy that perfectly suits the song’s mood. “Taxman” also became one of the most iconic Beatles so...
"We're back to country music, and I love it!" Ringo Starr declared in announcing his upcoming studio album,Look Up. Set to drop on Jan. 10, the LP is Starr's first full-length release in six years, and features 11 original songs produced and co-written byT-Bone Burnett. ...
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This 1939 classic film, starring Judy Garland, is beloved by generations for its memorable songs, vibrant Technicolor visuals, and timeless themes of friendship and self-discovery. Released: 1939 Directed by: Victor Fleming Dig Deeper Strange Things You Definitely Didn't Know About 'The Wiz...
Bruno Mars' 10 greatest songs ever, ranked It has been described as borrowing “heavily from roots reggae” and has been compared to the reggae pop style of Jason Mraz. It is an anthem to laziness, and topped the UK chart. Bobby McFerrin - 'Don't Worry Be Happy' Bobby McFerrin - Don...
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Eanna, Sean’s youngest son, learned the music for two songs from Matilda so June could perform them for an assembled crowd of relatives two nights in a row. (He did the same thing with songs from Annie four years ago when he and June were seventeen and six. He’s a very sweet ...