Hikari Hanazono, a determined and hardworking student, has vowed to defeat her academic rival Kei Takishima, a genius who excels at everything he attempts. Along with their close-knit group of friends in the Special A (S.A.) class, Hikari and Kei navigate the challenges of school life,...
YES, we’re going to talk about what happens when a super genius and a super genius gorilla tangle in the workplace.September 1, 2023 “Strange New Worlds” season 2 681 Do More Harm Host Jason Snell with Jean MacDonald, Erika Ensign, Dan Moren, and Joe Rosensteel Arrange an ...
That small startup company turned out to be a sleeper in the tech industry. 那家小创业公司最终成为了科技行业的黑马。 除了upset,sleeper之外,还有如下表达也可以指“在不利或者劣势的情况下,仍然获得成功”: ✨dark horse 黑马 She was a dark horse in the tennis tournament, defeating all the top-...
One of his university 2 at Caltech described him as a genius an unusually clever person. Qian stayed in the USA during the Second World War to do some work on jet propulsion, and he soon became one of the 3 rocket scientists in the USA. In 1950, he decided to return to China, but...
King of the Delta Blues Singers, The Complete Recordings, King of the Delta Blues 5,109 votes Considered one of the most important pioneers of blues music, his poignant lyrics and expressive playing style have influenced countless musicians. As a master of fingerstyle guitar, he displayed incred...
The side project of the already well-accomplished musicians — Bridgers has a solo career and is part of the supergroupBoygenius, while Oberst is best known for his band Bright Eyes — the two played many songs off Better Oblivion’s debut album, which was just released in January, like “...
it all seems as legendary as its source material, even before William Finley’s dorky genius dons that iconic helmet and begins to terrorize the new venue owned by the man who stole his music. ‘Suspiria’ legend Jessica Harper is sensational as the wide-eyed Phoenix, and Gerrit Graham ...
“Tití Me Preguntó” is a showcase for Puerto Rican superstar Bad Bunny’s unbridled creativity and eccentric pop genius, mixing frantic dembow beats, a classy sample by bachata master Anthony Santos, and a coda with a dash of Latin psychedelia to the global mainstream. He does it all with...
65. “Even the genius asks his questions.”– Tupac 66. “I’m a hustler, baby; I sell water to a well!”― Jay-Z 67. “I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man!”― Jay-Z 68. “Never stop fighting no matter what anyone says. If it’s in your gut, your soul, the...
It swooped in at number one on the BFI’s 1999 British cinema poll, but here, Carol Reed’s The Third Man’ will have to settle for second spot. But, hey: it’s still a masterpiece. The genius at the core of this superlative, bible-black Euro noir is the way it teases you into...