I look at all the Miriams, Marias, and Marys in the Bible (there are 7 in the NT), and at Mariamne in Josephus, and discuss what their names might mean. Read More » November 19, 20236 Comments What does “saved through childbearing” (1 Tim. 2:15) mean?
for example, is planted right in the middle of the biography followed quickly by “What should be the attributes of a journalist?”, which I found quite out of place as this is textbook information that can
“Henry and Emma." Of course, Jane Austen's “Emma," published in 1815, probably didn't hurt either. Both of these literary works helped bring the name into a more public light, and in 2017, Emma ranked as the #1
I'll say a hundred Our Fathers and a hundred Hail Marys. 我要念一百遍《天主经》和一百遍《圣母经》。 12. There was a madonna on the altar. 祭坛上有一座圣母马利亚的雕像. 13. immaculate behaviour 天真无邪[纯洁无瑕]的行为【宗】(关于圣母玛利亚的)圣灵怀胎说 14. The Congregation of the...
In the New Testament, the mother of Jesus and the principal saint of many Christian churches. 圣母玛利亚新约圣经所记耶稣之母,是许多天主教堂的主要圣人 9. Paradise or Hell--On the Biblical Motif; 天堂抑或是地狱——论《天堂》的圣经母题 10. Hail Marys are easier to say than Our Fathers,...
The crescent on the crest is a special symbol for the Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary. 伞柄纹章上的弯月是圣母玛丽亚神圣感孕的专有标志。 17. Structure-On Composition of Rapheal s Paintings; 构造性——解析拉斐尔圣母子绘画构图 18. Hail Marys are easier to say than Our Fathers,...