It is included because it is (1) funny, (2) apt, (3) addresses a feature of the human condition, namely that we belong to the natural system of the animals, and of the mammals in particular, and (4) it is aesthetically appealing. People who find this disturbing or objectionable may ...
All the Mammals of the World 数量 加入购物车 这是有史以来第一次,您可以在一本简单易用、图文并茂的单行本中阅读《世界上所有的哺乳动物》。 本书面向广大读者,从野生动物爱好者到哺乳动物学专家、研究人员、自然保护主义者以及任何对哺乳动物的壮观多样性感兴趣的人,每个人都能在书中找到自己想要的东西。
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Toni Llobet Ilian Velikov Lluís Sogorb Faansie Peacock Francesc Jutglar Àlex Mascarell Blanca Martí Jesús Rodríguez-Osorio 有库存 89.00€ All the Mammals of the World 数量 这是有史以来第一次,您可以在一本简单易用、图文并茂的单行本中阅读《世界上所有的哺乳动物》。 本书面向广大读者,从野生动物...
For the first time ever, you can contemplate All the Mammals of the World together in a single easy-to-use, fully illustrated volume. Created for a broad public, from wildlife enthusiasts to expert mammalogists, reseachers, conservationists, and anyone interested in the spectacular diversity of ...