All over the world, children in hospital are being treate d with a new kin d of medicine: Laughter, Lucy is 23an d works for Theodor a Children's Trust. She is one of many clown (小丑) doctors who bring a smile to the faces of sick children."I'm a Theodor a clown doctor. I ...
Allovertheworld,childreninhospitalarebeingtreatedwithanewkindofmedicine:laughter.Lucyis23 andworksforTheodoraChildren'sTrust.Sheisoneofmanyclown(小丑)doctorswhobringasmiletothefacesofsickchildren."I'maTheodoraclowndoctor.IcallmyselfDrLooloo.Ispendtwodaysaweekinchildren'shospitals,makingfunnyfaces,tellingjokes...
They will be offered free testing, genetic counseling, and help with sharing the information with their doctors and family members. 他们将会获得免费的测试、遗传咨询,并帮助他们与医生和家人分享信息。 But there is a lot more to learn. 但还有很多东西需要了解。 For example, many of the disease-li...
requiring doctors to tell women their surgical options when faced with breast cancer. Massachusetts and California had already passed similar laws. The reason such laws were needed is that doctors were not telling women that surgery did not improve survival; because the disease has already spread to...
- The doctors say you can go home this afternoon.- Well, that's your call, not's call:某人的决定例:- When should we set off?我们什么时候动身?- It's your call. Not mine.由你来决定,而不是我。Simone和Karl说,医生认为他身体康复得差不多,可以回家了。Karl带点央求和试探的语...
阅读理解 All over the world,children in hospital are being treated with a new kind of medicine:Laughter.Lucy is 23 and works for Theodora Children’s Trust.She is one of many clown (小丑) doctors who bring a smile to the faces of sick children.“I’m a Theodora clown doctor.I call ...
All over the world,children in hospital are being treated with a new kind of medicine:laughter.Lucy is 23and works for Theodora Children's Trust.She is one of many clown (小丑) doctors who bring a smile to the faces of sick children....
Israel’s healthcare workforce lags behind OECD averages despite growth in doctors and nurses By AVIHAI CHIIM STUDY Killing in warzone not harmful to soldiers' mental health if 'circumstances are justified' By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Improved sleep, mood: The health benefits of Daylight Savings Time...
Here's a man who has seen it all, tasted and heard it all. 这是一个已经见闻过世间万象、尝尽人间百味的人。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Above all, chairs should be comfortable... 椅子首先应该舒适。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Social services departments must accept, above all, the role of the parents. 社会...
- The doctors say you can go home this afternoon.- Well, that's your call, not's call:某人的决定例:- When should we set off?我们什么时候动身?- It's your call. Not mine.由你来决定,而不是我。Simone和Karl说,医生认为他身体康复得差不多,可以回家了。Karl带点央求和试探的语...