Never been a big hoor fan, or in this case a vampire freak either, Martin’s talent is undeniable however. Great mixture of history (almost a Twain like feel by the river) coupled with Martin’s known prose, made even a vampire non-enthusiast consider Fevre Dream a classic. The Newford...
Into the car. Chop-chop 我的老天爷 我开车总行了吧 Oh, for Gods sake, Ill drive. 它醒了吗 -还没有 Has he woken up yet? -Not yet 我正在给它准备一些肉汤 Im just making him some broth 你自己感觉怎么样 And how are you holding up? 心情起起落落 Upand down 我们都在呢 法南先生和我...