历史上最经典的歌舞片原声,不得不听的那种。http://www.xiami.com/album/455234 > 更多短评 25 条 我要写乐评 All That Jazz (1979 Film)的乐评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) "All That Jazz (1979 Film)"的论坛 ··· 第一个在"All That Jazz (1979 Film)"的论坛里发言 以下豆列推荐 ·...
作为爵士乐迷,你一定知道《爵士春秋》(All That Jazz) 这部歌舞片。作为一个音乐剧迷,即使你不太熟悉金像奖导演Bob Fosse这个名字,你也一定听说过托尼奖和奥斯卡的大赢家《芝加哥》,而这部1979年的戛纳与奥斯卡奖得主的歌舞片,正是百老汇经典音乐剧《芝加哥》的灵感源泉。 《爵士春秋》可称是Bob Fosse本人的半自传...
All That Jazz: Bob Fosse द्वारा निर्देशित. Roy Scheider, Jessica Lange, Ann Reinking, Leland Palmer के साथ. Director/choreographer Bob Fosse tells his own life story as he details the sordid car
All That Jazz Director/choreographerBob Fossetells his own life story as he details the sordid career of Joe Gideon, a womanizing, drug-using dancer. Original Release Domestic Grosses Domestic (100%) $37,823,676 International (–) – Worldwide...
ALL THAT JAZZ (1979) – AFI Movie Club Helmed by legendary choreographer, actor, dancer and stage director Bob Fosse, ALL THAT JAZZ (1979) was named by the American Film Institute as one of the art form’s great filmed musicals. Learn more about ALL THAT JAZZ in the AFI Catalog. Have...
【爵士春秋 All That Jazz (1979)】:这两天《爱乐之城》让大家津津乐道,给各位推荐我喜欢的歌舞片导演鲍勃·福斯,《爵士春秋》被称是鲍勃·福斯本人的半自传影片,曾获得戛纳金棕榈奖。就歌舞而言,这电影天马行...
1979年 All That Jazz-浮生若夢 (觀後感)P1片名:All That Jazz - 浮生若夢國家:美國美國上映:1979年12月16日香港上映:1981年導演:Bob Fosse(1927-1987 usa)編劇:Robert Alan Aurthur(1922-1978-usa) / Bob Fosse演員:Roy Scheider (1932-2008-usa), Jessica Lange(1949-usa), Leland Palmer(1945-usa)剛完...
导演 鲍勃·福斯 又名爵士春秋 浮生若梦 All That Jazz 编剧 Robert Ala...鲍勃·福斯 主演 罗伊·沙伊德尔杰西卡·兰格利兰·帕尔默Ann ReinkingCliff Gorman 剧情 《爵士春秋》可称是Bob Fosse本人的半自传影片,片中的主人公是一位叫Joe G... 获奖 获奖1次, 提名4次 ...
芬兰1980年10月24日 原名:All That Jazz 片长:123分钟 制片国家/地区:美国 编剧:罗伯特·艾伦·奥瑟/鲍勃·福斯 导演:鲍勃·福斯 上映日期:1979-12-20(美国) 又名:浮生若梦(港), 所有的爵士乐 imdb编号:tt0078754 类型:剧情, 喜剧, 音乐, 歌舞
Through cinematography and editing, Bob Fosse made film pliable so that it could move to the rhythms of music and bodies in motion—so that it could dance. His 1979 masterpiece All That Jazz was his ultimate achievement in this regard. Watch the fir… ...