Location: Caelid – Redmane Castle – from Impassible Greatbridge use the teleporter to get into the castle, talk to the huntsmaster in the north of the castle on the wall, go through the church and down the elevator and use the teleporter to reach boss area Difficulty: 7.5/10 Strategy:...
Note that if you kill or aggravate Varre beforehand, it will lock the questline. You can still access Mohgwyn's palace by using the Waygate Teleporter northwest of the Yelough Anix Ruins in the Consecrated Snowfield. (This will require you to collect both halves of the Haligtree Medallion...
Altus Plateau: Forest-Spanning Greatbridge– Head through the teleporter next to the Site of Grace and head directly right towards the windmill. When you drop down you will see a gold scarab on a piece of ruins to the right. This scarab has this Incantation. Flame, Cleanse me Liurnia of ...
Teleporter: The Teleporter’s build time has been reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second, and it now has a maximum lifespan of 10 seconds. The cooldown has also been increased from 10 seconds to 12 seconds but this cooldown starts as soon as the Teleporter is placed. Its Health Pool has ...
Rusted Key:With it, you can find a hidden cache in each level. Stacking this item means you increase the item rarity in the create — Requirement: Defeat the boss that spawns at the teleporter in under 15 seconds. Soldier’s Syringe:Increases attack speed by 15 percent per stack ...
This is the best hidden map piece in the game. It requires punching a hidden wall in Shadow Keep to reach a teleporter. Start at Shadow Keep > Main Gate Plaza site of grace. Go through the gate on the right (if it’s locked you must take the long path around the left). Go upstai...
Caelid, Redmane Castle: Chamber Outside the Plaza– After entering the castle in the south-east of Caelid (use teleporter before bridge to get inside), it is found at the altar of a church directly north of this site of grace, leading to the Radahn boss. ...