There are niftydemosof new software being created by AI, which is not such a terribly difficult task. I’ve started hundreds of software projects, there’s no challenge in that. I admit it isvery neatto see a napkin drawing of a simple web app turned into code, and this may very well...
Being criticised or insulted by your political enemies is not too difficult to cope with – after all, you do not really care what they think of you. More difficult is to be taken to task by those you feel are – or at least ought to be – on the same “side” as you. I had t...
How to save Powershell output data into .dat file with pipe-delimited, ascii-encoded format how to schedule server reboot task on multiple servers How to script clicking on "X" to close window How to search a pid with service name and then task kill it How to search for files based on...
Since the current desktop manager of Ubuntu (Unity which runs on Gnome) no longer seems to work with xRDP, an alternative desktop manager needs to be installed. I triedOpenBox, but wasn’t very impressed by the amount of work needed to get a reasonable desktop. We will use another desktop...