Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a third-person action-adventure with an open world hub. Unlike previous Lego games in which players had to advance through the story in a linear order, players can now choose to start the game from any of the main Skywalker Saga episodes and complete...
Faramir leaves Minas Tirith and goes to Ithilien on a mission. (March 1) Frodo and Sam arrive at the end of the Marshes. Gandalf arrives at Edoras and cures Théoden. The King and his men ride west against Saruman. The Second Battle of the Fords of Isen. Erkenbrand is defeated. ...
commanding the mission to destroy the Death Star II (a much more strategically complicated affair than destroying the original Death Star). Still, it’s three words —“It’s a trap!”— that led the gill-pocked humanoid to Star Wars immortality. “It’s a trap!” became a Photoshop-frie...
As Han and Chewie start sheltering these Rebel contacts aboard the Millennium Falcon, the Corellian pilot fights the pull of his own ego’s tractor beam: If he ditches the mission, maybe he can actually win this thing. Here’s EW’s exclusive interview with Liu about the new life forms sh...
ve had in the franchise. AC4 is an exceptional blend of both the massive open-world exploration and the stealth-focused mission structure that gave the series its roots. Its naval combat and oceanic exploration offered boundless fun, and there still hasn't been a historical guest star that ...
Star Trek Online is your chance to show the internet that you’d make a much better Picard than Picard. Each quest in this MMO is like an episode of the show, and each mission series is an arc, complete with the occasional filler episode. Packed full of the best pieces from Roddenberry...
Step into the shoes of a Vegas hitman on a mission to obliterate the local crime lords and loot their gambling dens. In Jackal, players will raid casinos and hotels, executing unsuspecting mobsters in unforgiving close-quarters combat. Success hinges on your ability to wield anything within reach...
mission)/zh-hans]] # [[:Big Bomb/zh-hans]] # [[:Big Chief/zh-hans]] # [[:Big Country/zh-hans]] # [[:Big Daddy/zh-hans]] # [[:Big Earner/zh-hans]] # [[:Big Elfin Deal/zh-hans]] # [[:Big Kill/zh-hans]] # [[:Big Mean Mother Hubbard/zh-hans]] # [[:Big...
Steve Evans, Design Director at Hasbro for Star Wars, needs your help in deciding what figures, ships and playsets to do in the future. There are just too many to choose from! Link in our bio. All comments will be made public and are not confidential. No credit or compensation will be...
You've got versions like "Clue: The Nightmare Before Christmas" and "Clue: Star Wars" that add new spins and settings to make it line up with your favorite stories. At the end of the day, Clue is still a top-notch board game that keeps drawing both casual players and hardcore game ...