Metal Freezer, a 7-star meta unit in All Star Tower Defense, is based on Meta Cooler from Dragon Ball Z. To get Metal Freezer, you need to summon Freezer from the Special Summons. Then, evolve Freezer into Freezer (FULL) using specific units. The final step is to evolve Freezer (FULL...
The Star Pass in All Star Tower Defense is a free reward pass that allows you to unlock various currencies, characters, and more as you complete certain tiers. Each season, this Star Pass is refreshed with 100 new tiers and corresponding prizes. To check your progress on your Star Pass and...
sorryfordelayupdate2- 2000x Gems, 200x Stardust navyxflamelate200kcodeomg- 100 Stardust, Ultra SSJ3 Rose Goku Black Unit and Zamasu Evolve Token happylatemothersday- 150 Stardust and 2k Gems rolerewardcode- 250 Stardust Chainsmoke91- Free Stardust ASTDEggOpenedFinally- 100 Stardust, 2750 G...
Koku (Alternative) is a 4-star ground and AoE (Cone) type unit based on the character Son Goku (GT) from the anime Dragon Ball GT when he fought with Baby Vegu II on the Tuffle Planet. He can only be obtained from the Hero Summon and the Beginner Daily R
Those who manage to climb to the top of the Tower of God will have any wish granted to them. Dig Deeper Every Major ‘Tower Of God’ Character's MBTI Personality Types Also ranks #6 on The 15 Most Unforgivable Anime Moments That Made Our Blood Boil Also ranks #7 on The Best Current...
Those who manage to climb to the top of the Tower of God will have any wish granted to them. Dig Deeper Every Major ‘Tower Of God’ Character's MBTI Personality Types Also ranks #7 on The 15 Most Unforgivable Anime Moments That Made Our Blood Boil Also ranks #8 on The Best Current...
80 on the best adventure anime of all time 59 dragon ball z 1989 7,638 votes the adventures of a powerful warrior named goku and his allies who defend earth from threats. dig deeper 14 mind-blowing 'dragon ball z' fan theories and deeper the 25 greatest kamehamehas in dragon ball ...
Star King is a 7-star unit based on Star King Kirito from the anime Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld Part 2 while he defeated Subtilizer (Gabriel Miller). He can only be obtained from evolving Hirito (RedRose). Star King can evolve from
Insect is a 5-star unit based on Imperfect Cell from Dragon Ball Z. He can only be obtained from the first set of Battle Road Challenges, and can evolve into Semi Insect. Insect can be evolved into Semi Insect using: Show/Hide Evolution Troops sell for h
Dragon Ball Z 1989 7,634 votes The adventures of a powerful warrior named Goku and his allies who defend Earth from threats. Dig Deeper 15 Vegeta Kills So Brutal They’ll Make You Rethink His Redemption Arc In 'Dragon Ball Z' And Deeper 32 Fun Facts About The 'Dragon Ball Z' Serie...