生殖解剖 | 肌肉:orator externus, 贴在pubis & ischium组合成的洞口并且链接到了femur上。 Daryl’s fascia: 包裹着阴茎跟睾丸。 Buck’s fascia: 有两层,包裹着阴茎。 Tunica albuginea:在更深处的包裹,支持ejaculation. corpus cavernosum:是两根圆柱体 ...
Digestive System Lamba_R1 year ago03 mins Introduction- Canker sores is a painful, small, shallow open ulcer inside our mouth. That are noncontagious sores that can make eating and talking uncomfortable. Canker sore also known as aphthous ulcers, only happen inside the mouth, they may be found...
work together for a common purpose. The digestive system's job is to break down food and absorb nutrients for the body. It does this with the help of several main organs which food passes through, as well as accessory organs that ...
Diseases of the Colon & RectumTyler KM, Aarons CB, Sentovich SM. Successful sphincter-sparing surgery for all anal fistulas. Dis Colon Rectum. 2007;50:1535-1539.Tyler, K. M., C. B. Aarons, et al. (2007). "Successful sphincter-sparing sur- gery for all anal fistulas." Dis Colon ...
Arrange the following structures in order from the small intestine to the recum. 1.) ascending colon4.) transverse colon2.) descending colon3.) sigmoid colon The major secretion of the large intestine is mucus The anal canal has an internal sphincter composed of smooth muscle The digestive jui...
Regulation of Motilin, Gastrin and Cholecystokinin on the Human Lower Esophageal Sphincter; 胃动素、胃泌素和胆囊收缩素对人类食管下括约肌的调节机制 4. Involvement of NMDA Receptors in Release of PRL,ACTH and Gonadotropins During Restraint in Male Rats; ...
Sphincter of Oddi basal pressure(SOBP),amplitude(SOCA),frequency of contr. 目的经胆道镜奥狄括约肌测压,观察麻醉镇痛药物、生长抑素类似物、硝酸酯类药物对奥狄括约肌运动功能的影响,并观察M胆碱能受体阻断剂及硝酸酯类药物对吗啡的拮抗作用。 6) Oddi's sphincter insufficiency ...
The pancreas is a part of the digestive system and plays important roles in the digestion of food and regulation of blood glucose levels. A unique property of the pancreas is that has both an endocrine, as well as an exocrine function. The endocrine function of th...
S Shanghai Preclinic Medtech (2) T The Chamberlain Group (1) Area of the body digestive system (5) skull (1) head (1) mouth (1) thorax (1) body (1) Procedure training (4) endoscopy (2) biopsy (1) palpation (1) Simulated pathology / condition Colors Other characteristics...
Progress of ghrelin and its function in the digestive system 生长激素释放肽在消化系统中的作用研究进展 16. Effects of carnosine on growth performance and endocrine hormone in broilers 肌肽对肉鸡生长性能及内分泌激素的影响 17. Coexpression of Growth Hormone Releasing Factor and Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase...