6. All people, whether they be rich or poor, strong or weak, privileged(adj. 享有特权的;有特别恩典的) or deprived(adj. 缺少食物的;缺乏足够教育的), are interdependent(adj. 相互依赖的;互助的), and share in(分担) the common task of seeking to(追求) achieve(获得) mankind's(人类的) ful...
Remember,Platocamefromthesamespectrumoflight asyou.Whenyoureturn home,you don'tgiveupallofthisknowledge. 记得,柏拉图来自同你们一样的光谱,当你们回家,别放弃所有这一类的知识。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 9. EventuallyIdecidedtogiveupallmy possessing toimmigratetotheUnitedStateslookingforwonderfullifeandexploring...
doi:10.4103/jopsys.jopsys_20_23S. SuhasMeha SharmaJournal of Psychiatry Spectrum
After all, the definition of dark is the absence of light. Light has a connotation of being good, while evil things lurk and live the night. I didn’t want to be dark but was my writing somehow offering a window into a part of myself I didn’t know existed? Related 16 Ways ...
One of the recently established paradigms in condensed matter physics is examining a system’s behaviour in artificial potentials, giving insight into phenomena of quantum fluids in hard-to-reach settings. A prominent example is the matter-wave scatterer
Game of Life (Updated to work by tgxn) by itsyourbedtime Mandelbrot Set by Possibly-Matt Monty Hall by DevMilanIan Nu Pogodi! (Ну, погоди!) by sionyx Paint by n-o-T-I-n-s-a-n-e Race by zyuhel Reaction test Game by Milk-Cool ...
Spectrum sharing for full network coverage by LTE and 5G:The deployment of a nationwide 5G NR network with dedicated infrastructure and frequency is a costly investment, both in infrastructure and resources. Furthermore, low 5G mobile penetration in the early phases will result in light ne...
Huawei Launches a Series of F5G-A Products and Solutions to Enable Industrial Intelligence in Asia Pacific Huawei's first Global Optical Summit was held in Bangkok, with the theme "F5G-A, the Foundation for Industrial Intelligence". More than 300 customers and partners from countries including Sin...
Complex field imaging, which captures both the amplitude and phase information of input optical fields or objects, can offer rich structural insights into samples, such as their absorption and refractive index distributions. However, conventional image s
Light was an electromagnetic wave of the human eye can see, also known as the visible spectrum. In the definition of science, just means all of the electromagnetic spectrum. Light photons is composed of elementary particles, a particle nature and volatility, called wave-particle duality. Light ...