The Sopranosis a legendary crime series that offers a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a mob boss, Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini), who’s having trouble balancing running his criminal empire with his personal life. Set in New Jersey, the show depicts the anti-hero as he goes to t...
From any era and genre, these are the greatest Black actors in film history, ranked by the community to determine who is the best of all time. These Black actors are the top in the business, and many are also among the best living actors today. From those who have portrayed classic ...
The episode’s final scene sees mob boss Tony and his family eating at a diner when a shady character enters – prompting Tony to look up as the screen cuts to black. RELATED: Every Sopranos Season Finale, Ranked It’s left unclear whether the man ultimately killed Tony or not – a dec...
Unceremoniously dumped on what was then called HBO Max and only four episodes in length,DMZcould have been a streaming contender, if it ever seemed like a finished product. Based on the Vertigo book by Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli,DMZfollowed the medic Alma “Zee” Ortega (Rosario Daws...
Over 2K TV viewers have voted on the 70+ shows on Best HBO Dramas Of All Time. Current Top 3: The Sopranos, Game of Thrones, The Wire
The Sopranos premiered on HBO on January 10, 1999, and ran for six seasons totaling 86 episodes. The multi-award-winning series is widely regarded as one of the greatest television series of all time, having 21 Primetime Emmy Awards and five Golden Globes to its name! Summary We hope yo...
the series escape its first cancellation on Fox, but not its second cancellation in 2014 by Comedy Central. Regardless,all seven seasons are on Hulunow that the show is owned by Disney. And we’ve picked out the 20 best episodes of this under-appreciated classic. Now, that’s good news!
Variety breaks down the best TV shows of all time. From The Sopranos to Community, these are the best series ever aired.
The best drama TV shows range from HBO originals like 'The Sopranos,' to network hits like 'Law & Order: SVU' and 'Grey's Anatomy.' Here's where to watch the top 30 drama series of all time.
This crime drama starred Steve Buscemi as an Atlantic City mob boss during the Prohibition era. While not a hit on the same level as HBO's contemporary Mafia series "The Sopranos," the show received positive reviews. What's more, it won 20 Primetime Emmy Awards over its run, as well as...