It’s about race and sex and society and love and hideous supernatural monsters. It’s set in the Jim Crow era, but also the past and the future and other planes of existence. And if you like the genres that we cover on The Incomparable, it’s worth your time....
Stick with Monster Hunter World though and you'll see what the fuss is about as you track monsters, kill them and harvest the parts to make the gear to take on bigger challenges. That core loop is everything here as you dive into stat boosts, attack types and try to master a range ...
PoR is great, but yeah, it's always less interesting when there are no monsters. I haven't played FE after the hyper-anime reboot but seeing that Awakening is top spot I'll have to finally give the game a look. 3 Reply 39 Handsomistic15 Tue 17th Jan 2023 For me, #4 was more ab...