Hogue Incorporated introduces the all-new HandALL Beavertail Grip Sleeves designed to fit the full-size SIG SAUER P320. The grip sleeve is installed by slipping it over the P320’s polymer frame until it seats perfectly into position. Once installed, the HandALL sleeve’s finger grooves offer ...
爱企查为您精选热销商品,为您提供sigsauer p320采购价格、图片大全、供应商家、行情报价、询价电话、发货地区等。您可以立即联系厂家或发布询价求购信息。
Osage County Guns is reporting that included in the new gun line up are a bunch of P320 variants including versions with OD green and FDE color frames. They are also stating SIG will introduce:P250 chambered for 22 LR; a TACOPS version of the P227; a P229 with tall sights (suppressor ...