otherwise known as the face of the anime studio’s official logo. In this charming story set in post-war Japan, two sisters move into a new house in a rural town, where they encounter a friendly
You’ll be hard pressed to find an anime with more eye-popping violence thanFist of the North Star. The film and preceding television series, both directed by anime luminary Toyoo Ashida, follow the exploits of Kenshiro, a superpowered martial artist who wanders the wastes of a post-apocalypti...
Asuka and Yui used to be best friends until an unfortunate event on one summer’s day tore them apart. After the “split”, Yui left Japan to study in America just to avoid any chance of seeing Asuka. Yui became a very successful tennis player, with no need for a big brother, but w...
The changing seasons, which add heaps of snow and eye-searing autumnal reds, ensure this is one of the most visually varied racers and one of the best Xbox One games to boot. The crisp handling model – pitched to just the right level of arcade accessibility – also remains best-in-...
In some ways, this is more of an interactive menu with the option to view more about parts of the product you’re interested in. But throughout theexplainer videos, there’s a “Switch View” option. This gives you more control over what you’re seeing than watching a linear video. ...
No one really seemed to bat an eye whether I was going to go or not, or care that I was sad, except for [S]. However, when it came time to make final plans for everything, someone decided to do the math and realized that if I was going to come, we would no longer all fit ...
The Nvidia GeForce RTX 5090 will officially burst onto the scene for a eye watering $1,999 this January January 6 Valve shuts down Steam Deck 2 speculation as AMD says it's building chips for a stronger handheld: "There is and will be no Z2 Steam Deck" The Metroidvania gods have sp...
He has a crack on his face near his left eye, running from across his left eye to his left lower lip. This damage came from the strain that One For All put on his body after wielding it for so long. He also has white hair and slender green eyes. ...
invites viewers to think about its complex characters. Many fans were frustrated by its highly anticipated finale, which delivered an abrupt and confusing ending. Fortunately, the demand for a better conclusion would lead to one of thebest anime movies of the 1990s,Neon Genesis: The End of ...
This is the second season of the In/Spectre anime. What is In/Spectre about? Kotoko is in a unique situation. When she was a child, she was kidnapped by spirits called yōkai and returned missing one leg and one eye. Since then, she has been able to communicate with otherworldly force...