Time-boxed(有时间限制的):为每个目标设定一个合理的最后期限。这可以帮助测试人员在固定的时间窗口(Time Window)中排除不相关干扰,专注地工作。 依据SMART原则,测试人员可按如下描述展开探索式测试。 测试人员制订测试计划。分析被测试应用,确立若干个具体的测试使命(Mission),每个使命针对一个可能的产品风险。 测试人...
2. Step up your Scrum game Scrum is an agile approach that emphasizes flexibility and adaptation. It focuses on delivering a potentially shippable product increment at the end of each sprint, which is a time-boxed iteration of the project. This is achieved through collaboration among the project...
Scrum以2~4周的Sprint为开发单位。每个Sprint结束后,开发团队都要向利益相关人(stakeholder)演示Sprint的成果。这有助于开发团队专注于用户价值、获得可度量的进展、增强团队信心、获得必要反馈。 Office采用的是螺旋开发模型,产品开发由几个里程碑(Milestone)组成。在每个里程碑,程序经理、开发工程师和测试工程师会组成...
2. Step up your Scrum game Scrum is an agile approach that emphasizes flexibility and adaptation. It focuses on delivering a potentially shippable product increment at the end of each sprint, which is a time-boxed iteration of the project. This is achieved through collaboration among the project...