Naruto: Shippuden Action, Adventure, Comedy 5,326 votes Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja with dreams of becoming the leader of his village, embarks on a journey to rescue his friend Sasuke from a dangerous criminal organization. Alongside fellow ninjas Sakura, Kakashi, and many others, Naruto batt...
Everyone has a different answer to that question, but a lot of people point to classic episodes like the one where Maes Hughes meets his tragic demise in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood or the one where Sasuke and Itachi finally reconnect in Naruto: Shippuden. But newer series also qualify -...
Pieces of it are shown in Naruto Shippuden episodes, but even after it's revealed, people from his past come back (in some of the biggest plot twists and potential spoilers of the series).He has a fairly neutral personality, which makes the moments when he shows emotion that much more ...
It may be an ongoing anime, and it might take you too long to watch all the episodes up to date, but it's definitely worth it! Naruto Shippuden Naruto: Shippuden is the ongoing sequel to the original Naruto anime and covers the Naruto manga from volume twenty-eight on. The TV ...
Guide to Find Games: Key combo (Ctrl + F) – later write game name ———- Note 1 : Should search “1 word” – this will find the correct results (For example, search “Batman” for “Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY”) Note 2 : Remove ...
Euphonium counts as one more feather in their distressingly pincushioned cap. The show is as gorgeous as you’d expect, the drama is understated but well-articulated, and the episodes are full of those alternately funny or poignant little moments thatKyoAni’s mastery of animated storytellingalwa...
Everyone has a different answer to that question, but a lot of people point to classic episodes like the one where Maes Hughes meets his tragic demise inFullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhoodor the one where Sasuke and Itachi finally reconnect inNaruto: Shippuden.But newer series also qualify - the ...
Everyone has a different answer to that question, but a lot of people point to classic episodes like the one where Maes Hughes meets his tragic demise in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood or the one where Sasuke and Itachi finally reconnect in Naruto: Shippuden. But newer series also qualify -...
It may be an ongoing anime, and it might take you too long to watch all the episodes up to date, but it's definitely worth it! Naruto Shippuden Naruto: Shippuden is the ongoing sequel to the original Naruto anime and covers the Naruto manga from volume twenty-eight on. The TV ...