'All reviewers assigned'这一术语,从字面意义上理解,即指所有审稿人均已被分配。在学术出版或任何需要审稿的流程中,这是一个关键的状态指示,标志着稿件或项目已经成功进入了下一个阶段——审稿阶段。此状态的出现,意味着编辑部或项目负责人已经完成了审稿人的选择与分配工作,每一...
英文论文状态Reviewers Assigned,只是代表向同行专家发出邀请了,但邀请的专家可以选择接受或拒绝。如果都接受了,那就会变成Under review(正式进入外审),如果有拒绝的,那期刊方还会继续邀请其他的审稿人,直至达到本期刊规定的外审专家人数(通常都是至少两位)。 鉴于不同的英文期刊,更新的发表状态有所不同。并不是所有...
All reviewers assigned is a term used to describe the process of assigning a group of people to review a document or project. This process is often used in the business world when a company needs to have a team of experts review a document or project before it is released. The team of...
我的是这样一个状态,希望能帮到你 Under Review2023-11-27 All Reviewers Assigned2023-11-20 Under...
Note that you can do this by writing a GitHub action: simply make it throw an error when the assigned reviewers are still pending (or whatever condition). GitHub Actions has a pull_request event, which you can use to run your own code whenever something happens to a pull request. You ca...