Join the ragtag crew of the Milano in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, a cosmic action-adventure filled with witty banter and pulse-pounding battles. As Star-Lord, guide the disparate heroes through stunning interstellar landscapes while making choices that define the course of their journey. Wi...
Instead of being something you can find and use on the map to become an unstoppable killing machine in like the source material, the Power Armor you can get in Fortnite is just a set of skins. Even if it is just a skin, it looks intimidating, so why not add it to your collection?
As an operator in Rainbow Six Mobile, Thatcher comes with a medium speed and armor setup. His unique ability is the “EG MKO-EMP Grenade,” which can be tossed at any surface and emits an electromagnetic pulse. This pulse immobilizes any electronic gadgets around the vicinity. So yeah, Tha...
She dreams of ten of Rainbow Six Siege's Operators turning into puppets and battling it out for confectionery supremacy. It's IQ, Zofia, Nomad, Capitao, and Thermite on the Tricksters side and Frost, Pulse, Ela, Castle, and Goyo playing for the Treaters. Sugar Fright introduces a new ga...