The Courts ruling in Kennedy v. Bremerton in favor of Coach Kennedy’s post game prayers leaves the high school athletes of other faiths, of no faith, or who understand Christianity differently than the Coach with little recourse. If they want to play, they are going to have to pray. They...
Confession is such an important sacrament for us as Catholics, and yet it can be intimidating and difficult to go to regularly. iConfess was designed to break d…
This is the beginning of a service I wrote for a sermon based on Ezekiel 37:1-14 (The Valley of the Dry Bones). The call to worship is derived from that passage. The unison confession asks God to give life to the different parts of our bodies, drawing on passages throughout Scripture...
Prayers of Confession Reflect Jesus Rules to Live By Salvation Poem Saved from Hell Seeking God Serving God Steps to Recovery Sympathy Poems Comfort Zone The Guide The Journey Video Total Surrender to God Trusting God Trusting God Video Truth Poem Unequally Yoked Wanting Another Baby Wedding Feast...
In the Sacrament of Confession, our sins are forgiven but we must make up for those sins here on earth or in purgatory. Only after purification shall we be brought to heaven. This is why we pray for our departed love ones. Our prayers may help them in their purification and will surely...
He also recited more prayers which I heard for the first time in my life since I was an atheist who had never set my foot to church. Often, all those prayers comforted him and he slept for a couple of hours. Then, after 2-3 hours, he woke up again from the excruciating pain, ...
You spend a few minutes in Adoration (praising God for who He is), time in Confession(repenting of your own sins), some time in Thanksgiving (thanking God for all He has already done for you), and finally time in Supplication (these are your prayers of request – asking God to supply...
God it seems has a strange way of answering prayers. It seems that all these years of studying, have prepared me for this particular time in my life. I have not been able to feel God’s presence at all. Not in prayer. Not in Church. Not even in the Eucharist. But I am not exper...
to be more pious. If a man isn’t religious, it doesn’t matter, because we girls are here to save the world through our prayers and exemplary behavior.Peace and quiet. Paradise. Ten years later, I will be the one in a silent, sparkling kitchen, with flour and strawberries: I have ...
she says her prayers i prepare a confession honey you've got to choose between two promised lands and i know this oh it's always been this way you think that i didn't notice oh just give me your now we're living in some kind of heaven anyhow hmm oh just give me your now she sl...