Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew explore endless oceans and exotic islands in search of treasure. Premiered: August 31, 2023 Dig Deeper 18 Things The 'One Piece' Live-Action Does Better Than The Anime And Deeper 13 Highly Anticipated Moments Fans Are Excited To See In Seas...
Monkey D. Luffy sails the perilous Grand Line in pursuit of his dream to become King of the Pirates and find the mythical treasure One Piece. Alongside his swashbuckling Straw Hat Pirates crew, which includes swordsman Zoro, navigator Nami, cook Sanji, and others, Luffy explores fantastical...
Tensions among the crew explode, as we're given the first real internal conflict among the Straw Hat crew. Usopp's insecurities over not pulling his weight bubble to the surface after he and Luffy can't agree about what to do with their dying ship the going Merry. It ends in shockingly ...
Luffy having to face all the Five Elders at once. After Saint Jaygarcia Saturn summoned all the other members of the Gorosei, they instantly transformed into their Devil Fruit forms and started to wreak havoc throughout the island. One of the Gorosei, Saint Shepherd Ju Peter, tried to ...
Monkey D. Luffy:It wouldn’t be a One Piece game if Luffy wasn’t included. Just like in the manga, he has abilities focused around his rubber-like limbs and is a Power type character, Zoro:First mate Zoro brings his three swords to battle as a Technique type. He’s great for deali...
Luffy losing an eye and wearing an eyepatch would also mirror Luffy's backstory. As a child, Luffy stabs himself in the face to try and join Shank's pirate crew. Luffy's face scar is another mystery that took years until it was revealed. Since Luffy first scarred himself to try and ...
Luffy. Because of his reputation as a master of swordsmanship and extraordinary strength, along with his captain’s actions, many people mistook him for the true captain of the crew before he achieved their first bounty. At the same time, some believe that he is the regiment’s deputy ...
Monkey D. Luffy at SHJ: Monkey D. Luffy Inspired Workout Luffy Inspired Jump Rope Workout Routine Number Three: L Lawliet Show:Death Note Coming in within the top three most popular anime characters of all time is the super-intelligent detective from the Death Note series, L Lawliet! L is...
First published in July 1997, this long-standing, epic manga series follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a boy who accidentally eats a Devil Fruit and gives his body the properties of rubber. Together with a crew known as the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy bounces around the world in ...
About time Survivals were in the spotlight. Add to that the 3 new missions and 2 unlockable tees and it's more than decent event week. Yeah, about time! I sometimes do Survivals just for the enjoyment of them, regardless of payout, and 3X means more games, more people and more fun....