All-Pair Almost Shortest Path(APASP) 问题描述 给定一个n个点m条边的无向无权重的图,找出所有点对之间的近似最短距离。 思路 最简单的方法就是从每个点开始跑BFS了。BFS的时间复杂度是O(m)的,那么总的时间复杂度就是O(nm)的。但是如果是稠密图,那O(m)=O(n2),总的时间复杂度就是O(n3)了。所以思路...
The all-pair shortest-path problem in shared-memory heterogeneous systems. 2013.H. Ortega-Arranz, Y. Torres, D. R. Llanos, A. Gonzalez-Escribano, The all- pair shortest-path problem in shared-memory heterogeneous systems, in: E. Jeannot, J. Aoeilinskas (Eds.), High-Performance Computing...
The package includes algorithm like modularity, clustering coefficient, all-pair shortest path (amazingly fast, great if you have 64-bit) and so on. It also do plotting the graph with force directed layout. The graph can be generated from various input format as well as SBML , GML, DOT ...
all pair shortest path 分布式all pair shortest path分布式 全对最短路径问题(allpairshortestpath)是一个经典的图论问题,其目标是找到任意两个节点之间的最短路径。在分布式系统中,解决全对最短路径问题是十分重要的,因为它可以用于网络拓扑分析、路由协议等应用。 在分布式环境中,由于数据分散在不同的节点上,传统...
All-Pair Almost Shortest Path(APASP) 问题描述 给定一个n个点m条边的无向无权重的图,找出所有点对之间的近似最短距离。 思路 最简单的方法就是从每个点开始跑BFS了。BFS的时间复杂度是 的,那么总的时间复杂度就是 的。但是如果是稠密图,那 ,总的时间复杂度就是...
In this paper, we study the following all-pair shortest path query problem: Given the interval model of an unweighted interval graph of n vertices, build a data structure such that each query on the shortest path (or its length) between any pair of vertices of the graph can be processed...
Searching & Sorting find a pair with a given difference <-> Searching & Sorting find four elements that sum to a given value <-> Searching & Sorting maximum sum such that no 2 elements are adjacent <-> Searching & Sorting Count triplet with sum smaller than a given value <-> ...
The shortest path problem for a graph with N vertices whose edges have non-negative integer costs and all shortest distances are bounded by H can be solved in O( N s+ H) bit-operations.doi:10.1016/0898-1221(81)90130-9V.Ya. Pan
On the basis of Floyd algorithm with the extended path matrix, a parallel algorithm which resolves all-pair shortest path (APSP) problem on cluster environment is analyzed and designed. Meanwhile, the parallel APSP pipelining algorithm makes full use of overlapping technique between computation and ...
Solving t he all2pair shortest pat h p roblem on interval and circular2arc grap hs ,Proceeding Eight h International Parallel Processing Symposium ,1994 ;224 ~ 248Chen,D. Z.,Lee,D. T.solving the all-pair shortest path problem on interval and circular-arc graphs. Proceedings of the 8th...