/fast-cli - Test your download and upload speed using fast.com maki/blahaj-quest - Hourly BLÅHAJ finder map nz/batch-beatmap-downloader - An easy way to mass download osu! beatmaps zerbin-dev/zer0bin - 🖊️ // Just a place to paste gowonbot/gowon - A Last.fm Discord ...
Cause being that loved maps, in one "loved batch", have same exact approved_date. reproduce steps: call: https://osu.ppy.sh/api/get_beatmaps?since=2018-06-11%2019:40:06&k=key several loved maps are missing in that call (notice how all ma...
"inm.game.name:returnTruereturnFalsemember = discord.utils.find(check_playing, client.get_all_members())# If the member is not playing anymore, remove them from the tracking dataifnotmember:ifmember_idinosu_tracking:delosu_tracking[member_id]continuemode = get_mode(member_id).value user_dat...