1, and experimentally demonstrate its relevance for optical systems in a six-photon experiment based on polarisation qubits. Our protocol leverages three-qubit entanglement swapping, but does so in a manner that is compatible with passive linear optics and achievable with a small number of optical ...
Quantum repeater based on spatial entanglement of photons and quantum-dot spins in optical microcavities. Phys. Rev. A 85, 062311 (2012). 14. Sangouard, N., Dubessy, R. & Simon, C. Quantum repeaters based on single trapped ions. Phys. Rev. A 79, 042340 (2009). 15. Azuma, K., ...
In this way, we have arrived at the following protocol: (1) For the entanglement generation processes, Alice and Bob locally preparelpairs of an optical pulse and a qubit in a Bell state (equivalent to a bipartite GHZ state). (2) Then, they send theloptical pulses to the node C throug...
entanglement, 9 OAM multiplexed channels of parallel all-optical quantum teleportation can be deterministically established in experiment. More importantly, our parallel all-optical quantum teleportation scheme can teleport OAM-superposition-mode coded coherent state, which demonstrates the teleportation of ...
12is a database containing seven different electronic and optical properties of crystalline and single chain states of polymers from first-principles calculations and several experimental properties of amorphous polymers. The computational properties include the crystal bandgap (562 polymers), polymer chain ...
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation for Quantum Entanglement Swapping and Quantum Key Distribution with Continuous Variables; 连续变量量子纠缠交换及量子密钥分配的理论与实验研究 11. transpose and remain equal in value; of variables or operators, in mathematics. 交换并保持相同的价值;数学中的变量或...
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation for Quantum Entanglement Swapping and Quantum Key Distribution with Continuous Variables; 连续变量量子纠缠交换及量子密钥分配的理论与实验研究 5. Analysis and Simulation of the Link Duration of Satellite-Ground Quantum Key Distribution 星-地量子密钥分发链路持续时间...
We briefly summarized the experimental generation scheme of the optical entangle states for continuous variables and their applications in quantum teleportation,quantum dense coding,controlled dense coding,entanglement swapping and quantum communication network. 扼要介绍连续变量纠缠态光场产生的实验方法,及其在量...
Entanglement purification for atomic states via cavity QED; 基于腔QED技术的原子态纠缠纯化方案(英文) 2. The entanglement purification protocol for the system of atom interacting with two distinct optical cavities is discussed. 提出了二能级原子与双模光场耦合系统的纠缠纯化方案,并对系统纯化前后量子传输...
A scheme achieving quantum entanglement swapping between two pairs of bright EPR optical beams is theoretically proposed. 两个独立的非简并光学参量放大器产生两组经典相干的明亮EPR光束对,通过在每一组EPR光束对的一半上执行联合贝尔态测量 ,使未产生相互作用的另一半之间产生量子纠缠。3...