released as Red and Green in Japan, are the first pair of games in the Pokémon franchise. Game Freak developed this adorable monster-collecting RPG for the original Game Boy where you play as a young boy about to set out on his first journey across the Kanto region, where he battles gym...
While I might see Kanto more than I see my mum, there’s still a lot of charm to the region and an endearing amount of great design, including Lavender Town, the S.S. Anne, and the famous Cinnabar Island. Most of the towns in Kanto get their names from colors, which is why player...
Have you ever wondered if the locations of Pokemon games are modeled after real places? As a matter of fact, they are. Let’s go on a journey together to pinpoint all of the Pokemon game locations in the main games. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by their origins. Pokemon Red and ...
The Nintendo Switch offers a wide range of Pokémon games for players to relive and explore. Although some of these games may not be strictly set up as how we know Pokémon now, they do add a bit to the overall universe. They give new ways of looking at the world of Pokémon, and ex...
The Best Pokémon Console Games, Ranked Every Kind of Poké Ball, Ranked Ranking Every Pokémon Region Most Difficult Games in the Series A Brief History of the Pokémon Universe All the Pokemon Movies, Ranked Darkest Moments In The Anime Funny Logic That Makes No SenseGames...
appear to be the most popular. This article includes new releases and old games that might be interesting for real Digimon fans - and for the fans of similar franchises, we have a list of thebest mobile Pokemon games on Android and iPhoneand a list ofthe best Final Fantasy games on ...
Vote up the best Pokemon games of all time, on any system. Gotta catch 'em all? Start playing 'em all with the best Pokémon games of all time, starting back in 1995 when the ever-popular franchise was just getting going. In the time since, there's been many a new Pokémon game—...
we’ve listed all thePokémonGameboy games in order. And while these three newer titles are stylistically similar to the first generation ofPokémongames, they take things to an entirely new level. As such,Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystalare frequently cited as some of the best RPGs ever ...
Best Pokemon games of all time, ranked Valay|62d ago |Opinion piece|6| ▼ NE: "We list and rank 10 of the best Pokemon games of all time! More specifically, which of the main series games are best to play." Nintendo Switch Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Pokémon Sword & Shield nintendoev...
Throughout the years, the Pokémon Company has continued to develop its main series games, adding new battle mechanics, Pokémon and regions to explore. There are even fans who have created Pokémon ROM hacks of the most popular titles!