ConsideringDavy Jonesis known for ferrying souls who perish at sea to the afterlife, it’s quite fitting that he can be found aroundThe UnderworldinFortnite. He’s not around the main Underworld buildings as you might expect and instead can be found to thefar westof this areanear the very...
Of course, the best Fortnite emotes are those we all know best - whether that be common ones like Carlton's dance from Fresh Prince or the popular "Make it Rain." Keep in mind, these dance emotes in Fortnite aren't just for times of victory. No matter the occasion, there's ...
Of course, the best Fortnite emotes are those we all know best - whether that be common ones like Carlton's dance from Fresh Prince or the popular "Make it Rain." Keep in mind, these dance emotes in Fortnite aren't just for times of victory. No matter the occasion, there's c...
FortniteCosmetic Leakscan come out in multiple different ways. Most of the time they are found through datamines, but sometimes platforms accidentally reveal them early, and sometimes promotional images will appear on the web. All New Fortnite Leaked Skins 14.60 : Fortnite Backscatter Skin How to...
Granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine, Rey has rejected the dark side and is a core part of the Resistance. Rey Rey was among the many Star Wars skins that entered Fortnite when The Rise of Skywalker came out. She makesreallyodd faces during certain emotes (try Boneless), so if you’re som...
Fortnite’s 13.40 update has arrived, and with it comes all manner of new files for data miners to dig through. As always, huge thanks to data miner Lucas7Yoshi who manages to get all these pulled from the game’s files before the update has even fully downloaded for us. Recommended Vi...
In addition to all of thePirates of the Caribbeanskins, there are manyaccessory itemsyou can unlock to go with them. This includes an array of Back Blings, Pickaxes, Emotes, and more. Here areall of the bonusPirates of the Caribbeanitemsyou can get inFortnite. ...
If you want to spend money in Fortnite Battle Royale you can buy the Battle Pass. This gives you new outfits, gliders, a pick axe, emotes and other items, all of which are cosmetic and will not affect gameplay in any way. The Battle Pass currently costs 950 V-Bucks, which is $9.50...
Here's a look at some of the remixed cosmetics that will be available in Fortnite Remix Chapter 2's shorter battle pass.
InvoxiPlayGames/FestivalInstrumentMapper - Maps most existing Rock Band / Guitar Hero instruments as Xbox One instruments for Fortnite Festival. Goobwabber/LegacyInstaller - Installs past Beat Saber versions to your steam library kckarnige/OculusKillSwitch - 'til you need them again. DevOculus-Me...