There is about it a curious, cracked look that is very puzzling until you suddenly realize that at one time, and long ago, the right side of the front porch had been painted, and part of the wall -- but the painting was left unfinished and one portion of the house is darker and din...
itook the underground ityournedmycollartoth iwannabeyourhero iwantthemeaningofmyli id be eternally faith ill know the world tr im saying everything im the king of headba ive got too much work iĀm sÒng hellong iŞiĞim iicon id never seen anyting im asking him to chan im not goin...
The meaning of ALL TO is all to pieces : thoroughly, completely. How to use all to in a sentence.
That doesn't mean I am. And what kind of selfish jerk wouldn't take advantage of that fact? 是他们对我搞特殊!并不代表我真的特殊,哪个自私自利的混蛋会不利用这件事借题发挥一下呢? 15. Do you ever notice how all the self-sacrificing women in history, Joan of Arc, Mother Theresa--can'...
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A Piece of It All全部的一部分 —ByJann Arden I have travelled a great deal in my life. I’ve been all over the world, to every city in Canada and pretty much every juke joint in the United States. I’m on the road 250...
1.Everywhere. The phrase may be used alone, as inI've looked all over for that book, orThe very thought of poison ivy makes me itch all over. In addition it can be used as a preposition, meaning "throughout," as inThe news spread all over town. [Early 1600s] Also seefar and wide...
🎈disposition是名词,表示「性格,性情」,近义词是temperament,英文释义:the natural qualities of a person's character 「性情开朗」翻译为:to have a cheerful disposition 🎈“真正的朋友,恐怕要算‘总角之交’或‘竹马之交’了”译为 Real friendship between t...
We saw the second night of “Peter Wilkins,” a piece, taking it all in all, we never saw got up better in or out of London.Both ancient and modern versions of ‘all in all’ have been used in the past few years in popular songs. The ‘God’ meaning was used in Dennis Jernigan...
- Human beings have dreams. Even dogs have dreams, but not you, you are just a machine. An imitation of life. Can a robot write a symphony? Can a robot turn a... canvas into a beautiful masterpiece? - Can you? —— I, Robot ...