Dig Deeper The Very Best NPCs And Companions In The Fallout Games Also ranks #3 on 13 RPG Video Games With The Best Dialogue 16 Games You Need To Play If You Love The 'Fallout' Franchise 1BioShock (Any Title) 52 Votes 2The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 66 Votes 3Th...
Framerate becomes uncapped if console is in 120Hz mode, else runs at 30fps.Series X Resolution: 1440p, 40fps Increased AO, foliage, texture resolution, LOD, shadows, more rats, full animations of distant NPCs, more NPCs, and more rats.If console is in 120Hz mode, g...
Gears 5 Leslie 'Mac' Macallister / NPCs (2019) Lego Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Admiral Ackbar / Emperor / Emperor Palpatine / 4-LOM / Citizen / Gungan / Imperial Commander / Master Kantoo / Officer / Pilot / Pirate #1 / Pod Race Driver / RA-7 Droid / Rebel Tech #2 /...