Candidates can check the category-wise cut-off list for the academic years 2021 and 2022 from the information below. JEE Main Cut-off of 2021 JEE Main Cut-off of 2022 For getting admission to different technical institutes, the candidates should rank within the opening and closing ranks mention...
CAT Cut off 2024, Check IIM Previous and Expected Cutoff Category wise SNAP 2025: Application Begins (August 5), Check Exam Date, Fees, Eligibility WBJEE Cutoff 2024, Check Opening and Closing Rank CAT Syllabus 2024: Download Free PDF AP EAMCET Cut Off 2024, Check Course, Category wise Quali...
A list of colleges with Branch and Closing rank will be displayed that matched entered criteria. Cut-offs are being updated after each round of JoSAA admission procedure. Students will have an idea about where they can get admission. College Information: App shows a list of colleges with ...
A list of colleges with Branch and Closing rank will be displayed that matched entered criteria. Cut-offs are being updated after each round of JoSAA admission procedure. Students will have an idea about where they can get admission. College Information: App shows a list of colleges with ...
Ills Lies Well Will Wise Isle Slew Sill Swell Swill Lilies Willies Word Relax Level 1292: Liar Rail Tail Lair Trail Trial Ultra Ritual Word Relax Level 1293: Beer Brew Herb Here Were Whey Where Hereby Whereby Word Relax Level 1294: Con Cop Cue Cup One Pen Pun Cone Cope Nope Once Open ...
A list of colleges with Branch and Closing rank will be displayed that matched entered criteria. Cut-offs are being updated after each round of JoSAA admission procedure. Students will have an idea about where they can get admission. College Information: App shows a list of colleges with ...
Previous Year’s Cut-off: Search Last Year’s Cut-off Rank using JEE (Advanced) AIR, JEE (Main) Paper-1 or JEE (Main) Paper-2, Category (Open, EWS, SEBC, SC, ST), Seat Pool, Branches of choice and Colleges of choice. A list of colleges with Branch and Closing rank will be di...
Previous Year’s Cut-off: Search Last Year’s Cut-off Rank using JEE (Advanced) AIR, JEE (Main) Paper-1 or JEE (Main) Paper-2, Category (Open, EWS, SEBC, SC, ST), Seat Pool, Branches of choice and Colleges of choice. A list of colleges with Branch and Closing rank will be di...
Previous Year’s Cut-off: Search Last Year’s Cut-off Rank using JEE (Advanced) AIR, JEE (Main) Paper-1 or JEE (Main) Paper-2, Category (Open, EWS, SEBC, SC, ST), Seat Pool, Branches of choice and Colleges of choice. A list of colleges with Branch and Closing rank will be di...
Previous Year’s Cut-off: Search Last Year’s Cut-off Rank using JEE (Advanced) AIR, JEE (Main) Paper-1 or JEE (Main) Paper-2, Category (Open, EWS, SEBC, SC, ST), Seat Pool, Branches of choice and Colleges of choice. A list of colleges with Branch and Closing rank will be di...