In 2021, 26% of adults in England had obesity and a further 38% had overweight. This epidemic is a major public health concern, in part because adulthood obesity increases risk for numerous chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, and different types of cancer [1,2...
For the academic year 2021-22 The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) Kerala selected some focus areas and important chapters in all subjects to facilitate the learning process. Students need to take special attention to the given focus areas as most of the questions will ...
Therefore, to a large extent, plants appear to be jacks- of-all-trades, masters of all and may successfully produce several types of defense without paying considerable trade-offs. Our survey thus provides little evidence that genetic trade-offs between defensive traits significantly constrain the ...
Preliminary study on effect ofparityon short- and medium-chain fatty acids composition in milk of Xinong Saanen goat; 不同胎次西农萨能羊鲜乳中链和短链脂肪酸组成的初步研究 2. Correlated Analysis between Udder Traits and Parity of Holstein Cows; ...
Influence of Sowing Date on Main Traits between the Panicle Number-type Wheat Varieties Chuannong 16 and a Oligoculm Wheat Line H461 播期对穗数型品种川农16和寡分蘖品系H461主要性状的影响 7. Genetic Analysis of Main Quantitive Characters Between Two Types of Hybrid Rice Combinations and Studies...
Genetic Analysis of Main Quantitive Characters Between Two Types of Hybrid Rice Combinations and Studies on Tillering Dynamics 两类杂交水稻组合主要数量性状的遗传相关及分蘖动态初探 12. Analysis on Quantitative Characteristic of Tillers on Poa sphondylodes Clones in the Songnen Plain 松嫩平原硬质早熟...
Comparation of Negative Air Ion Concentration and Daily Variation of 2 Kind of Plant Communities 2种植物群落空气负离子浓度及日变化的比较 13. Comparison of leaf functional traits in different forest communities in Mt. Dongling of Beijing 东灵山地区不同森林群落叶功能性状比较 ...
17. Studies on Physioecological Traits of 30 Plant Species in the Subalpine Meadow of the Qinling Mountains; 秦岭亚高山草甸30种草本植物的生理生态特征 18. Researches on the Mechanisms of Seed Germination and Seedling Emergence in the Alpine Meadow; 高寒草甸植物种子萌发与幼苗建植机制研究©...
Where possible, only depressive outcome data from questionnaires not biased towards physical illness, with no questions related to gastrointestinal health and eating habits, were synthesised in meta-analysis; data from studies using biased questionnaires containing these types of questions were reported ...