In the famous opening scene of "The Godfather," Marlon Brando's character Don Vito Corleone calmly strokes a cat while discussing a proposition to commit murder--but the feline wasn't part of the script.Director Francis Ford Copolla found the cat--a stray wandering the studio lot--and hand...
Bi, R. Zhang 2024 IEEE Transactions on Big Data 262 Heterogeneous Federated Learning: State-of-the-art and Research Challenges Mang Ye, Xiuwen Fang, Bo Du, Pong C. Yuen, Dacheng Tao 2024 ...
I went to see Neko Case last night, right around the corner from my house. It was my birthday present—I turn thirty-nine on Wednesday—and at first I was a little ambivalent about going. Not because I don’t love Neko Case, but because it’d been a long day at work and it was...
1) Edoya Nekohachi 江户家猫八2) cat 家猫 1. Flash electroretinogram for various photopic adaptation duration of adult cats; 正常成年家猫不同明适应条件下闪光视网膜电图的变化 2. The cats were inoculated through bronchus route and then,the cats of dead and control were collected for ...
Amid the ongoing protests and marches following the brutal killing of George Floyd by an American police force, Japanese artists in Japan and abroad are showing their support for the Black Lives Matter movement in the form of diverse artworks.