forgeUI 的a..forgeUI 的all in one prompts插件报错404显示连接到后台接口服务错误,然后无边框图像浏览插件也没法用切换到一般webui正常使用,用的秋叶包,求解
Spell是一个插件,可以轻松保存和调用ChatGPT、Stable Diffusion、Lexica等AI提示。它可以帮助你在ChatGPT、Hugging Face、Lexica等网站上使用快捷方式和搜索来保存和调用你的AI提示。 需求人群: 用于在各种AI平台和网站上保存和调用AI提示 使用场景示例: 在ChatGPT中使用快捷键插入保存的提示 ...
ii) The main research objective is to develop a method for generating realistic 3D head avatars with detailed, strand-based hair directly from text prompts. iii) The key methodology involves distilling 2D generative diffusion models, using a differentiable prismatization algorithm to convert hair ...
separate prompts using uppercase AND also supports weights for prompts: a cat :1.2 AND a dog AND a penguin :2.2 No token limit for prompts (original stable diffusion lets you use up to 75 tokens) DeepDanbooru integration, creates danbooru style tags for anime prompts (add --deepdanbooru to...
sd-webui-prompt-all-in-one is an extension based on stable-diffusion-webui that aims to improve the user experience of the prompt/negative prompt input box. It has a more intuitive and powerful input interface, provides automatic translation, history and collection functions, and supports multipl...
guidance_scale: 7.5 # parameter of stable diffusion model, a higher guidance scale value encourages the model to generate images closely linked to the text prompt at the expense of lower image quality aug_num: 1 # the number of images to generate keep_original_sample: true # whether to ...
Popular transformers include GPT, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, DALL-e, GPT4, Lamma, Alpaca, and Claude. Transformers are versatile. Initially designed for text-related tasks, they have proven effective for many data types, including images, video, and biological sequences. ...
Integrations of different Stable Diffusion versions (waifu diffusion, ...). GPU RAM optimizations, which makes it possible to enjoy these features with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti ERNIE-ViLG 2.0 (new open source text to image generator developed by Baidu):
good correlation involving the MOCART 2.0 rating as well as the IKDC, KOOS ADL and EQ-5D-5L had been seen. But, this correlation isn’t always medically appropriate, and exceptional medical outcomes can be expected even in clients with low MOCART results.III.Salmonella, a Gram-negative ...
The integration of AI in Krita not only facilitates realistic diffusion but also introduces an element of unpredictability, mimicking the organic and dynamic nature of real-world painting. This adds a layer of authenticity to digital artworks, breaking away from the uniformity often associated with ...