That really hurt the state during the early days of COVID-19, when casino traffic plummeted. Nevada will always hold a special spot for American gaming, but it has already dropped to the second-most lucrative sports betting state and may continue to fall down the ranks as more and more po...
While SPS claims that it is moving to a “better” neighborhood advanced learning/HC model, it has quietly dismantled local advanced learning options. Years ago, it cut the Spectrum program, which allowed students to work one grade ahead at various schools. Recently, SPS discontinuedWalk-to-Math...
I found myself brushing my teeth one morning for40 minutes. The only reason I stopped was the battery on my electric toothbrush died. You could have said anything to me (see #5) and I would have nodded and smiled and agreed. Luckily no one asked me to sign over my house to them (...
“What I return to most often when I think of Crazy Horse is the fact that in the adjutant’s office he refused to lie on the cot. Mortally wounded, frothing at the mouth, grinding his teeth in pain, he chose the floor instead.What a distance there is between that cot and the floor!
What is Know: During COVID-19 pandemic in Italy any non-urgent medical activity including periodic outpatient assessment of otitis-prone children was discontinued. Otitis-prone children experience acute infectious exacerbations mainly in winter. What is New: Most of children reached by means of a ...
As my career ratcheted up, I found I had less and less free time to devote to things like video games. The games I played were not that satisfying and I needed to get away from it all to focus on other things. Fast forward to 2018 and I suddenly found that I had a lot of free...
Knees get scraped. Foreheads and backsides get bumped and bruised. Pride is unpacked. Tempers flare. Out of nowhere, there is name-calling. Amidst the giggles, jeering and hooting you may hear an age old jingle arising:sticks and stones may brake my bones, but words will never hurt me....
Yesterday was my third self-supported marathon since Covid began. The previous two were run on local out-and-back trails. No choice but to run the entire distance when you have to somehow get back to the car. Yesterday was my first marathon with a multiple loop course. You wanna know ...
There are only so many ways to cut expenses as some many are fixed and necessary. I just had to get a new phone and my son needs 4 wisdom teeth out. Despite good insurance it still is going to drain the accounts some. I guess my point is onc...
By the time I told Mary she could give birth in the manger, the theatre bug had bit me so hard it hurt. No Room at the Inn! “I think I might take an acting class,” I said to my husband Saul. He wasn’t surprised since I had been taking zoom classes all year such How ...