✅ My windows program did a forced update and I lost all my documents and pictures. Can anyone...:Hello All, my computer did a forced Windows update didn't give me a choice and I lost all of my documents and photos. Any advice on how to retrieve?...
After, my personal OneDrive opened after never being opened before. Half of my desktop icons disappeared and my local documents are gone. I tried opening some of the applications that were still on my computer Autodesk Maya to see if my project files are still...
Loehr, and Kelly Guimont Live, from The Incomparable, it’s Jason Reitman’s “Saturday Night,” a film that purports to capture the 88 minutes before “Saturday Night Live’s” first live broadcast 50 years ago. All of our panelists agree it’s a well-made movie. There are many ...
Noah’s here, of course, but between work and his lengthy bus-to-train-to-bus commute, he’s gone for twelve hours at a stretch on weekdays, and occasionally he works on the weekends, too, as he did two weekends ago, when he needed to work on an ad to convince people not to vot...
Noah has a new bookcase he can fit in his room now that the toy box and doll crib are gone, and he’s agreed to house the Harry Potter books and the Series of Unfortunate Events books there. When the question of ultimate ownership of these tomes came up, I said whoever produces ...
“My documents are forged.” “Forged? Faked?” “Hey. Keep your voice down.” “Are you even a slave trader?” Felix asked. “I’ve noticed you and your men aren’t as good with the camels as I would’ve expected.” “Do you need—” ...
The sorts of things that appear there are not books, pencils, and papers, but documents and applications - or nicknames for applications. You don't reach for these things with your hands, but maneuver a small arrow using a round brick on your desk or by twirling a ball mounted on a ...
The women are experienced explorers but every shot of squeezing through tiny spaces as rubble gently falls, every huge cavern only lit in one tiny corner by their flares, and every step they take further into the abyss is heart-racing stuff. And this isn’t an unlikable crew of barely ...
I have really enjoyed creating documents with WorkFlowy. I also use the Wfx extensions. Not only is it easy to drag and drop you can make it data driven effectively. Now here’s where I’m a bit stumped. When I export I can only export the text elements not the rich elements. That’...
Among the line-up this year is the hugely anticipated Snow White, a live-action Lilo & Stitch movie, and the long-awaited follow-up to Tron. We've gone beyond this year too as we take a look at the upcoming roster of Disney films over the next few years. 2026 and 2027 are already...