《All My People》这首歌的歌词中文翻译如下: 《All My People》歌词中文翻译 嘿,所有我的人们,听我说 现在是时候,我们要团结一致 无论你我,无论身在何处 我们的心,紧紧相连 嘿,所有我的人们,站起来 别让恐惧,将我们打败 用爱的力量,去战胜一切 让我们的声音,响彻云霄 我们生来自由,不应被束缚 为了明天...
All my people我周围的姐妹 Know everything about you她们都对你很了解 Everything about you知道你的一切 All my people我周围的姐妹 All my people我周围的姐妹 Didn't know that I mean to you却不知道你我的关系 查看完整歌词ALL MY PEOPLEAlexandra...
坐杀博徒 但是All My People歌词完整版翻译 03:21 【坐杀博徒|All My People】臻品母带2.0听《All My people》修复原版4K PV 全网最高音质画质【Hi-Res】 03:24 坐杀博徒【臻品母带2.0】试听《All My People》完整字幕版,全网音质最高【Hi-Res】 03:25 托比马奎尔【蜘蛛感域展开| 坐杀博徒】恶霸...
All my People-All My People - (鹿紫云一) (Remix) - 往年柚子茶 Thank all my people Dancing as I sing Everybody\'s moving to the rhythm that I bring Sing all my people dancing as I sing Everybody\'s moving to the rhythm that I bring ...
I think this virus got my baby I need a doctor for my baby He's gone bad he's gone bad he's gone bad he's gone bad Thank all my people Dancing as I sing Everybody's moving to the rhythm that I bring Sing all my people dancing as I sing ...
All My People (Radio Edit) - Sasha Lopez/Broono Lyrics by:Silvia-Cristina Haios/Sergiu Istrati Composed by:Sergiu Istrati All my people on the floor We party all night party all night We want some more want some more Some more Some more We're about to turn it on Under...
All my people King and divas Come on and walk this way All my people all my people king and divas Time we all get funky Got my hands high and I'm getting low Sipping that whisky you can hold the coke And my coat Ohh I know you think you're bad and honey you ain't too wrong...
挑战全B站最佳听感!《All My People》音频重置。领域展开-坐杀博徒!【转载】 Look-CX 02:34 礼戎音乐 电音舞曲 | "全网超火卡点神曲" |《Running Up That Hill Remix》 peach63 【压迫感の小曲】Asphalt 8: Airborne –《Bleach》 深海_Deep