All My Life: Directed by Marc Meyers. With Jessica Rothe, Harry Shum Jr., Marielle Scott, Chrissie Fit. A couple's wedding plans are thrown off course when the groom is diagnosed with liver cancer.
Based on the powerful true love story that inspired an entire nation, All My Life follows the journey of an engaged couple who make the difficult decision to accelerate their wedding in the wake of a devastating discovery. Jennifer Carter (Jessica Rothe, the Happy Death Day films) and Solomon...
In this movie the franchise's characters Tomoya Okazaki and Nagisa Furukawa have graduated from high school and are now faces with the struggles of the real world. Deciding to stay together as a couple, the two of them must navigate life as they grow up together and develop their ...
While primarily designed for movies, you can also use All My Movies to catalog TV shows. However, there might be some limitations with TV show metadata compared to movie-specific data. Is there a mobile app available? Although there isn’t a full-featured mobile app, you can export your ...
(Moore). As the astonished crew witnesses the emergence of a major new talent, Amber’s warm maternal instincts help put her young costar at ease. The movie is full of professional penetration, but this scene – the Big Bang at the beginning of Dirk’s new life – is unique for its ...
Andrews, this movie takes place six years after the events of 2014’s “Petals on the Wind,” which appears later on the list. In the film, married couple Christopher and Cathy have moved into a new home and started a new life. However, the past comes back to haunt them in the form...
“Weird” is the direct-to-Roku movie that accurately chronicles every aspect of Al Yankovic’s life. This podcast accurately chronicles every aspect of the movie.November 5, 2022 “The Rings of Power” and “House of the Dragon” 639 Prologue: The Television Series Host Jason Snell with ...
DOOM changed my life. My gaming life, at least. Having spent my entire existence up to that point playing platformers, side-scrolling action games, etc. on 8- and 16-bit consoles, DOOM's first-person shooting was a jaw-dropping paradigm shift. Everything about DOOM was incredible. The ...
A bit of both, but the fact that its disaster movie mechanics are so believable, even when you know full well there’s a man inside that heavy monster suit (shout out to Katsumi Tezuka) is down to the stony-faced sincerity with which Ishiro Honda conducts his opera of destruction. He ...
Critics Consensus: The plight of Asian refugees is sensitively rendered, and the movie builds, with the help of Nolte, to a wrenchingly poignant conclusion. Synopsis: A Vietnamese youth (Damien Nguyen) of mixed race undertakes an arduous journey to the United States to find his American.....