1) Downloaded from Dropbox to my Windows-10 Downloads 'folder', 2) LrC Develop module > Presets > Import Presets And there it is! in the Profile Chooser panel- No problems installing and it works. Image viewed is a DNG from a Nikon NEF ...
I use Win 10 and Affinity Photo currently in version 2.10. I already had a lot of my own macros and created a new one today. After I gave it a name and used it a few times, suddenly all my own macros were gone. Only the standard macros were still availab
All my excel files were converted to pdf. Why would this happen and how do i stop it from doing so? TOPICS General troubleshooting , Windows Views 77.8K Translate Translate Report Report More Reply Sorry, unable to complete the ...
In Windows, files that have been deleted are temporarily stored in the Recycle Bin for recovery. The exception is the Shift Deleted files. Once a video is erased using Shift + Delete shortcut combination, it will no longer be visible in the Recycle Bin. In other words, it's gone forever...
Since windows updates removes shortcuts which refer to a location inside a junction, this will keep the shortcuts safe. In an event like the windows update erasing the shortcuts folder instead, we can simply modify [scoop update scoop] which at the moment does nothing to re-create the short...
Documents Folders" option in iCloud settings on your Mac, the files stored in the iCloud Desktop and Documents folders will no longer be synced with iCloud. As a result,these files will be removed from your local Mac and only remain in iCloud. That’s why iCloud documents disappeared ...
After an update to Ventura 13.1 all my files disappeared from my MacBook Pro and Finder stopped working. I would like to get all my files that are currently in icloud onto a completely separate physical storage device. (NOT a Mac) What is the best way to do this, please? (I can’t...
All Downloads and other files *disappeared* after Ventura 13.6.7 update on 2018 iMac! My computer automatically updated to Ventura 13.6.7. Since then (i.e., yesterday), it's been nothing but headache after headache after headache! My photos? Gone. My downloads? Gone. Everything else, se...
"I've accidentally erased some pictures on my PC.How do I recover permanently deleted photos in Windows 10?" We get this question in our inbox all the time. Many computer users hit Shift + Delete when cleaning their PCs or empty the Recycle Bin without double-checking the files. They oft...
I think it is much more likely to have been caused by these more common problems: an action resulting in unintended consequences, such as executing a delete query with inappropriate parameters. I have done that, and the only thing that saved my bacon was an hourly backup being performed on ...