All My Children (AMC) premiered on ABC on January 5, 1970. The second daytime drama created by Agnes Nixon, it aired in half-hour episodes until 1977, when it followed the lead of other serials in moving to an hour-long format. Nixon developed her skills in dialogue and story developmen...
All My Childrenwas cancelled by ABC in 2011 after a run of 41 years. It was revived online by Prospect Park in 2013 but ended that same year. ABC regained rights to the series in 2016. It was reported that some characters from the soap would pop up on the primetime sequel seri...
Tetsuo: The Iron Man is a 1989 Japanese cyberpunk film by cult-film director Shinya Tsukamoto produced by Japan Home Video. It is an extremely graphic but also strikingly-filmed fantasy shot in the same low-budget, underground-production style as his first two films. Tetsuo established Tsukamoto...
While this certainly could be positive news for fans ofOne Life to LiveandAll My Children, it’s important to remember that it’s not a done deal yet. Aside from details of the venture having to be finalized, one would assume that new contracts would have to be worked out with the soa...
It's All Rise's series finale; this time, it's for keeps.All Rise holds a dear place in my heart. I've cared about the cases and the relationships in the series. I was so excited to watch Mark and Amy get married on All Rise Season 3 Episode 20.I'm unsure if OWN knew that ...
(Anthony Hopkins), a nightmarishly manipulative collaborator with a taste for liver and fava beans. Featuring exceptional cross-cutting leading up to its grand finale (a twisty reveal sends shivers down your spine), Lambs is one of the greatest movies of the ’90s, and the rare thriller to ...
This $6 Million Hamptons Property Combines a Quaint Cottage With a Modern Manse 2 days ago Kanye West Posts-And-Deletes This Racy Snap Of Wife Rocking The Tiniest Swimsuit In Existence Every L.A. Music Event Canceled or Postponed Due to Wildfires (Updating)...
It feels tuned to make the first levels as difficult as the finale of the first game – I still haven’t seen past the jungle boss. I totally get why people who truly mastered the original game are getting so much out of Spelunky 2 – I hardly consider myself a neophyte, but I ...
remain on my queue. I’ve heard a lot of love for her work in the original live-actionFrankenweenie, and I’ve seen none of her children’s programming at an age I’m old enough to remember. I’m thankful for a little more Shelley Duvall on my horizon. I’m glad she passed celebr...
Maybe there’s nothing scary about the relentless ringing of a telephone that means you’ve only got seven days to live, haunted video tapes showing surreal footage that leads to people being literally terrified to death, the idea that you have to pass on the curse to someone else or die,...