All My Children (AMC) premiered on ABC on January 5, 1970. The second daytime drama created by Agnes Nixon, it aired in half-hour episodes until 1977, when it followed the lead of other serials in moving to an hour-long format. Nixon developed her skills in dialogue and story developmen...
They would introduce full cartoons from the Turner Entertainment library, such as old theatrical shorts and Hanna-Barbera cartoons, including the original 1960s Space Ghost episodes. The host segments were often original songs and ad libbed skits. New material ceased being made in 1997, an...
Four additional episodes aired on December 30, 2012. Also ranks #2 on 20 Explosive Anime Controversies That Shook Up The Otaku World Also ranks #3 on The Best Body Swap Anime Ever Made Also ranks #10 on The Best Slice Of Life Anime, Ranked 83 Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible 2023 1,...
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Episode #2.10 (十二月 7, 2024) Season 2, Episode 10 - Self (as Dr. Réginald Allouche) Cà vous (2013–2024) (TV Series) - Self (3 episodes, 2013) Episode dated 19 April 2024 (四月 19, 2024) Self See more Touche pas à mon poste! (2022) (TV Series) - Self (1 epi...
Thirty-three episodes of new live-action “Star Trek” have now concluded, and we’re going to talk about all of it. We bring some tough love for “Discovery” and “Picard”, which disappointed us. But all is not lost—there’s a lot of unabashed love for “Strange New Worlds.”Ju...
plans in place, Schneider has also thought of a unique strategy while everyone watched the drama unfold with bated breadth. The show features nudity in almost every other episode, and there is a host of moments that should not be watched by a young audience. You can watch all the episodes...
ofOne Life to LiveandAll My Children, it’s important to remember that it’s not a done deal yet. Aside from details of the venture having to be finalized, one would assume that new contracts would have to be worked out with the soaps’ cast and crew to cover the online episodes. ...
onAll My Childrenon Feb. 25, withOne Life to Liveset to return to shooting on March 18 at the same Stamford, Conn., studio. In addition to free daily streaming on Hulu, backlogs will be available to Hulu Plus subscribers and users will also have the option of buying episodes on i...
Not many people know about ‘Mai-HiME’ even though it is a decent shoujo-ai anime with an interesting premise and entertaining characters. The story might seem a bit slow, though, but that will not be the case after you are a few episodes in. In addition, people who love shows with ...