All My Children (AMC) premiered on ABC on January 5, 1970. The second daytime drama created by Agnes Nixon, it aired in half-hour episodes until 1977, when it followed the lead of other serials in moving to an hour-long format. Nixon developed her skills in dialogue and story developmen...
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Nokia also has debuted a quirky new radio show on Apple's Beats 1 Radio on February 18, 2018. Episodes will air every other Sunday and allow listeners to get acquainted with the inner workings of Nokia's mind. She has a total of 6 episodes labeled, "The Voices in My Head with ...
The Umbrella Academy | Final Season | Official Trailer | Netflix - YouTube Watch On "The Umbrella Academy" follows the story of the Hargreeves siblings — seven children adopted by the eccentric Sir Reginald Hargreeves as part of a plan to save the world. They'v...
Everyone has their favorite, to such an extent that maybe “Black Mirror” installments ought to be titled like “Friends” episodes: “The One Where People Can Replay Their Memories.”“The One Where the Afterlife Is Virtual Reality.”“The One With Jon Hamm.” Taken in all, “Black Mirro...
While the site’s focus is relatively niche, it has become a go-to resource for anime fans worldwide, often featuring the latest episodes of popular series shortly after they air in Japan. Official 9. Torrends (TorrentDownloads) ...
(Chicago's "Annoyance Theatre" would actually re-enact episodes, satirically performing a new one each week, with Jane Lynch playing Mrs. Brady and Andy Richter playing her husband.) When the troupe performed the "Getting Davy Jones" episode, Jones would play himself. The cheesy 1970s show...
Not many people know about ‘Mai-HiME’ even though it is a decent shoujo-ai anime with an interesting premise and entertaining characters. The story might seem a bit slow, though, but that will not be the case after you are a few episodes in. In addition, people who love shows with ...
Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth by Chris Ware (2001) Hopscotch by Julio Cortázar (1963) Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov (1859) Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote (1958) Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier (1997) The Maias: Episodes from Romantic Life by Eça de Queir...
Some of it might look like old episodes of ‘Dempsey & Makepeace’, but John Mackenzie’s gangster thriller still has great energy and momentum and isn’t a patch on recent pretenders to its throne. In retrospect, it’s the location shooting, especially around the docks – post-industry ...