Muslim Prayers Times allows you to find the precise prayer time. Our app will notify Muslims when to pray. It offers a preset and calculated time based on yo…
Today Allyongni Sun Set time or Iftar Time in Allyongni is 6:59 AM and Dawn break Time or the end of Sehri Time in Allyongni is 5:33 AM. Along with Allyongni Prayers times you can also read the Allyongni Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Hanafi (sunni) or Allyongni Sehri and...
Muslim Cherished Prayers is designed to provide various Muslim prayers from the Holy Quran; Prayers of the Prophet (pbuh); Prayers of the Promised Messiah & Ima…
Five times a day a Muslim is bound to perform the Salaah, the fixed ritual of the Islamic prayer - worship. He should properly go to the nearest mosque to offer his prayers together with the whole congregation, or pray at home, office etc. Each of the five periods is preceded by the ...
The weekly convention of Friday Congregation is the most important service and is compulsory upon every Muslim who is required to observe the other prayers and has no reasonable excuses to abstain. It falls on Friday of every week and is especially important because: It is the occasion ...
One special case is for Muslim astronauts. In orbit, you experience sunrise and sunset every 90 minutes or so. The ruling is that Muslim astronauts would observe the sunrise and sunset times from wherever they left Earth, or they can observe Ramadan when they return to Earth, as an astrona...
During a tour in 1974 he met the support band Mighty Baby who were Sufi Muslim; Thompson explored the religion and fully embraced it. The public started catching up to Richard & Linda Thompson just as their marriage was imploding: Their final album Shoot Out the Lights was critical...
It is "Purohit" who washes the destiny of the city with the blood of a Muslim henchman. Unsurprisingly, the prediction is done by "Pandit" and the execution by "Purohit". Thus what initially seems as a towering invincible Islamic power structure at the centre of the story is later ...
19-year-old Nandini Gupta from Rajasthan has been crowned Femina Miss India 2023. The grand ceremony of the beauty pageant was held on April 15, making her the winner of the 59th edition of Miss India. Who is Nandini Gupta? The 19-year-old beauty pageant winner hails from Kota, Rajasthan...
"The devil only wants to create hatred between you with intoxicants (alcoholic drinks, etc.) and gambling and to keep you from the remembrance of Allah and from your proper worship (prayers). So, why won't you away from them?"