“所有的模型都是错误的,但有些是有用的。”(All models are wrong, but some are useful.)这句话出自统计学家George E. P. Box的口中,简洁地概括了数学建模的本质。在这篇文章中,我们将深入探讨这句话的内涵,讨论数学建模的意义、限制和其在实际应用中的价值。 1. 模型的本质 首先,我们必须理解什么是模...
All models are wrong, but some are useful. 所有的模型多事错的,但是有一些模型有用。 虽然George Box是以统计学家身份说的这话,但这话搞AI的感触肯定很深,毕竟,目前的AI基本上就是统计学。 发布于 2024-01-19 17:15・IP 属地美国 写下你的评论... ...
这从另一方面也说明了“科学是可以证伪的”(wrong), 但科学对人类认识世界是十分重要的(useful)....
Paper:《All Models are Wrong, but Many are Useful: Learning a Variable’s Importance by Studying an Entire Class of Prediction Models Simultaneously-所有模型都是错误的,但许多模型都是有用的:通过同时研究一整类预测模型来了解变量的重要性》翻译与解读 ...
Paper:《All Models are Wrong, but Many are Useful: 所有模型都是错误的,但许多模型都是有用的:通过同时研究一整类预测模型来了解变量的重要性》翻译与解读
Notably, reproducible materials provide a starting point for practitioners to experiment with cognitive models and evaluate whether they are suitable for their domain of expertise. This is essential because solving complex problems requires exploring a range of modeling approaches, and there may not be ...
"All models are wrong, some are useful.” This remark is attributed to the statistician George Box who used it as the section heading in a paper published in 1976. Anyway, George Box went on to clarify what he meant Now it would be very re...
之前在看CNN的一些应用的时候,看到过这句话,All Models Are Wrong, Some Are Useful,于是去查了一下,抄录在这里。 Even the best models of the world are imperfect. This insight is important to remember if we want to learn how to make decisions and take action on a daily basis. ...
"All the models are wrong, but some are useful." 今天本该碳中和方面的英文资料,顺手写 corportate finance时,我从头思考,捋了下为什么经典的估值模型都无法解释当下很多资产价格的波动。主流的价值体系,现金流折现也好,capm也好,wacc也罢,都诞生于一个歌舞升平的时代,很多宏观经济的变化节点 或者 更大的变革,...