Music Discs have been around since the Alpha version of Minecraft, growing in number as new updates and lore are released. I'll walk you through all 19 of the Music Discs, what they sound like, and how you can get each and every one of them. Every Music Disc in Minecraft As of 1.21...
LoaderMinecraft 1.14.4FabricLoader 1.14.4+build.12_yarn-0.6.1+build.165 Mods Accuratenetherportals Adorn: Adorn-1.4.0+1.14.4.jar Allure: Allure-1.0.9.jar Always Drop Loot: always-drop-loot-3.6.0+mc1.14.4.jar Amethyst Mod (Fabric): amethystmod-1.2.0.jar ...