Huesmann, L. R. (1998). The role of social information processing and cognitive schema in the acquisition and maintenance of habitual aggressive behavior. In R. G. Geen & E. Donnerstein (Eds.),Human aggression: Theories, research, and implications for social policy(pp. 73–109). New York...
Leadership in Communication Essential Theories of Communication Core Courses: Digital Media and Technology in Communication Ethics in Communication Core Course: Principles of Strategic CommunicationConcentration Course: History and Theory of Mass Communication Year 2 Concentration Courses: Mass Communication in ...
Dept. of Communication Dept of Telecommunication, Information Studies & Media Michigan State UniversityJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdJournal of Computer‐Mediated CommunicationWalther, J. B. (2009). Theories, boundaries, and all of the above. Journal of Computer- Mediated Communication, 14(3), 748-752....
One-loop corrections to the mass formula for spontaneously broken supersymmetric theories For three spontaneously broken supersymmetric models, we compute the one-loop corrections to the mass formula to all orders in the supersymmetry-breaking p... L Girardello,M Pernici,D Zanon - 《Physical Review...
A Study in the Medieval Presuppositions of Post-Medieval Theories of Probability (review) BOOK REVIEWS 387 vs. "objective" is all no doubt rather imprecise, but points toward an important truth. In fact, in the contrast between them, we can see,... Éleuthère,Winance - 《Journal of ...
alternative theories alternative thinking alternative trading p alternative oldies alternative too many alternator indicator alternator components alternierende reihe alterntion altersunterschied ue alterungsverfahren n altervt altgpt althea gibson although armed although fears have g although i know that ...
Despite several calls to stop this tendency (cf., Tracey & Boling, 2014), we still see research that attempts to measure practitioners against what some scholars think they should be doing, calling them reckless or ignorant of theories—studies that ask practitioners if they are using a certain...
global slavery. “On the other side, as the Great Reset agenda becomes more widely noticed and understood, resistance is growing, albeit largely under the radar of corporate media subservient to the dictatorship”. A big focus of that Acorn year was a series of massive demonstrations in London... Constant incitement against refugees and migrants, far-right conspiracy theories about "left-wing elites" or the denial of pandemics—in Germany, all of this has been rendered socially acceptable in recent years, promoted by media and government representatives. WSWS (2025-02-22). Fif...
Studies clearly demonstrate that progress toward sexual-orientation equality is being made, if slowly, despite the apparent irrelevance of the "born gay" argument from immutability. Evidence is further provided supporting the inadequacy of polarized, dichotic theories of sexual development, particularly ...