Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor. A thread waits on an object's monitor by calling one of thewaitmethods. The awakened threads will not be able to proceed until the current thread relinquishes the lock on this object. The awakened threads will compete in the...
Bootstrap Examples PHP Examples Java Examples XML Examples jQuery Examples Get Certified HTML Certificate CSS Certificate JavaScript Certificate Front End Certificate SQL Certificate Python Certificate PHP Certificate jQuery Certificate Java Certificate C++ Certificate C# Certificate XML Certificate...
Lightweight, fast, Java-centric Lua interpreter written for JME and JSE, with string, table, package, math, io, os, debug, coroutine & luajava libraries, JSR-223 bindings, all metatags, weak tables and unique direct lua-to-java-bytecode compiling. - bing
Lightweight, fast, Java-centric Lua interpreter written for JME and JSE, with string, table, package, math, io, os, debug, coroutine & luajava libraries, JSR-223 bindings, all metatags, weak tables and unique direct lua-to-java-bytecode compiling. - asie
TheIBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJreturns decimal values in the format that thejava.math.BigDecimal.toStringmethod returns them. For example, the value 0.0000000004 is returned as 4E-10. DB2BaseDataSource.DECIMAL_STRING_FORMAT_TO_PLAIN_STRING(2) ...
Methods Strains, media, and chemicals E. coli strain DH10B (Invitrogen, USA) was used for all the cloning and plasmids constructions. E. coli strain K-12 MG1655ΔlacIΔaraCBAD was used for all the circuits inductions and measurements. The culture media for the cells were LB broth (Luria...
TheIBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJreturns decimal values in the format that thejava.math.BigDecimal.toStringmethod returns them. For example, the value 0.0000000004 is returned as 4E-10. DB2BaseDataSource.DECIMAL_STRING_FORMAT_TO_PLAIN_STRING(2) ...
For example, Apache Commons Lang (Column “2” in Table 10) is a utility library that provides a host of helper methods for the java.lang API. Therefore, most methods in Apache Commons Lang are public and static; thus, is_public and is_static are not among the top 15 features for ...
Methods Entry vector generation (EMPIRIC cloning) To generate libraries with single amino acid mutations, we modified a cassette ligation strategy developed by the Bolon lab in 201148. This strategy uses a plasmid with self-encoded removable fragments (SERF) that are surrounded by inverted BsaI rest...
[1877星][25d] [Java] adoptopenjdk/jitwatch Log analyser / visualiser for Java HotSpot JIT compiler. Inspect inlining decisions, hot methods, bytecode, and assembly. View results in the JavaFX user interface. [1863星][10d] [C++] pytorch/glow Compiler for Neural Network hardware accelerators [...