Beautiful math in all browsers MathJax is an open-source JavaScript display engine for LaTeX, MathML, and AsciiMath notation that works in all modern browsers. It was designed with the goal of consolidating the recent advances in web technologies into a single, definitive, math-on-the-web pla...
functionguessNumber(n:number):number{// 二分搜索 / 二分查找letlow =1;lethigh = n;while(low <= high){letmid =Math.trunc((low + high) /2);// let mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);letpick =guess(mid);if(pick ===0){returnmid; }elseif(pick ===1) { low = mid +1;/...
functionltrim(s){returns.replace(/^(\s*| *)/,"");} functionrtrim(s){returns.replace(/(\s*| *)$/,"");} 判断是否以某个字符串开头 String.prototype.startWith=function(s){ returnthis.indexOf(s)==0 } 判断是否以某个字符串结束 String.prototype.endWith=function(s){ vard=this.length-s...
二、async/await实现Promise.all()先定义三个Promise实例对象,并放置于一个数组中三、async/await与Promise.all()结合使用因为Promise.all()返回的也是...Promise,所以await 后面可以跟Promise.all() function fn() {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {resolve...(Math.random())})}async function ...
That means, if you run it 100 times, it will run it across Math.floor($cpu_count * 0.8) threads without blocking the main JavaScript thread. If code uses a macro, it will potentially spawn a new copy of Bun.js' JavaScript runtime environment in that new thread. Unless you're trans...
代码语言:javascript 复制 // bin/npm-run-all/main.jsmodule.exports=functionnpmRunAll(args,stdout,stderr){try{// 省略解析参数// 执行任务constpromise=argv.groups.reduce((prev,group)=>{// 分组中没有任务,直接返回 nullif(group.patterns.length===0){returnprev}returnprev.then(()=>runAll(group...
// 简单的高阶函数 function add(x, y, f) { return f(x) + f(y); } //用代码验证一下: add(-5, 6, Math.abs); // 11 Like the array map、reduce、filter these are all higher-order functions 24. What is function currying? Simple one? Currying, English: Currying (sure enough, the...
const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2); if (nums[mid] > target || (lower && nums[mid] >= target)) { right = mid - 1; ans = mid; } else { left = mid + 1; } } return ans; } var searchRange = function(nums, target) { ...
we included its H&P note with a five-class label for binned CCI score. To generate the labels, we first calculated the comorbidity index using the ICD codes and the scoring function in ref.27. We then discretized the scores into five classes: we assigned label 0 for a comorbidity index ...
The mutation operators we adopt are the default mutation operators provided by PIT (Coles, 2019c): Conditionals Boundary Mutator, Increments Mutator, Invert Negatives Mutator, Math Mutator, Negate Conditionals Mutator, Return Values Mutator, and Void Method Calls Mutator. We did not adopt the ...