which is a powerful late-game enchantment. You can also convert paper into Emeralds, making a Librarian a great way to get emeralds. To get a Librarian you will need to place a lectern near a jobless villager.
There are a total of 13 Minecraft villager jobs that you can find when you visit a village. Each villager will trade different items based on their specific job title. Here are all the Minecraft Villager jobs and their trades: Armorer:Trades chains, armor, and iron Butcher:Trades meats, st...
How rare is a mending villager? TL;DR: the chances of it happening are1 in 5184, or 0.019%. How many different librarian trades are there? In 1.8+ Librarians have3 Book Tradeseach, with the enchantment level reaching from 1-30.